VRP news
Catch up with the latest news from the team and our partners across our Valleys.

28 March
The Valleys Regional Park partner toolkit
Introducing our brand-new toolkit — a super useful document designed to help YOU, our partner network, to amplify the VRP message across your channels.

25 October
Green social prescribing: what it is, why we should care and how it’s impacting the people of the Valleys
Green social prescribing is a mental health and wellbeing initiative which helps individuals connect to non-medical services and activities in the great outdoors — and last year, more people in the South Wales Valleys than ever took part.

01 September
A new chapter in the story of the South Wales Valleys
Since the Valleys Regional Park partnership was established in 2020, the collective efforts of individuals and organisations across the South Wales Valleys has brought a wave of positive change — socially, economically, and environmentally.